Vision 2025: Help us to gain a bigger audience for God!

A fundraising campaign to launch a new era at The Life Christian Church

-2652Days -14Hours -29Minutes -27Seconds
Remaining for the campaign to start.

In 2004, the people of The Life Christian Church gave a $100,000 Miracle Offering as seed money to launch the design phase of what is now The Life Christian Church Worship and Mission Center. Thirteen years later – with the congregation four times larger now than then – we are asking people to pray and step out in faith to give a $400,000 Miracle Offering to provide the seed money to expand, multiply and gain a bigger audience for God, by providing funds to…

  • Multiply TLCC by launching our first multi-site campus in Paramus, New Jersey.
  • Fund our +LIFE Local and +LIFE Global vision to “spread God’s love in ever-widening circles.”
  • Make a significant payment toward the principle of our mortgage thus freeing up more funds to serve our KPORT Children’s Ministry, Redline Youth Ministry and other ministries that help us “inspire people to the life God dreams for them.”

As we launch a new era at The Life Christian Church, we want to provide an opportunity for each of us to act in faith to give in a one-day Miracle Offering on November 5th. I simply ask that you join by prayerfully considering what contribution you in faith can make.

For more and better Life,

Pastor Terry A. Smith

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