Vision 2025 & The Miracle Offering from The Life Christian Church on Vimeo.
Welcome to the media resource center for The Miracle Offering and Vision 2025! You can right click on a graphic of your choice and choose “Save image as” or simply drag the image to your desktop for sharing. OR You can press and hold the image on your smart phone to save it to your camera roll. We have also include sharing text that you can use on Social Media in case you are not sure what to say!”
Facebook: Save the date – Sunday, November 5th: See world renowned speaker, Pastor Tommy Barnett at at 9am or 11:00am and participate in the Miracle Offering, a one day event that can make a difference for thousands of people! Check out to learn more.
Twitter: #TLCCMiracle is Sunday, November 5th and I’m thrilled to be a part of it! Check out
Miracle Offering – Animation .mov file
(same as above for sharing on Facebook & Instagram)

Miracle Offering – Animated GIF
(for sharing on Twitter, iMessage, and SMS)

Miracle Offering – Profile Image
(for sharing on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter)

Miracle Offering – Promotional Image
(for sharing on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter)